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Who We Are?
Shop MTP magazine was created by Jon Phillips and Alison Nelson, who envisioned a publication for book lovers: those who spend countless hours scouring bookstore shelves, clipping book reviews, and poring over author bios and reading lists. Jon and Alison looked high and low for a comprehensive source of literary advice they could trust and imagined a research team toiling away on their behalf, summarizing book reviews, highlighting the best works of classic and contemporary authors, presenting books in various genres and on various topics, and uncovering everyday readers’ favorite books. They looked everywhere, but they couldn’t find that team, that one source, that dream magazine.
As a result, they created it, and the editorial team was born. With issue #2, I was fortunate enough to join Jon and Allison. Since then, I’ve added in the leadership of the group.
The Most Reliable Source for Reading Lists
Shop MTP magazine, founded in 2002 and commemorating its 100th edition in the May/June 2019 issue, is a refreshingly unpretentious glossy magazine delivered to your door every two months. Simply put, we are the best source of reading list ideas: we summarize book reviews so you can make an informed decision about what to read next, we highlight classic and current writers, we find users’ everyday favorites, and so much more.
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